A Series of Artist Interviews
A Series of Artist Interviews
“My superpower is storytelling.” Collagist Pepe Moscoso builds delightful little worlds that celebrate the freedom and joys of childhood. He combines photos of abandoned places, among other rich settings, with cartoon figures—usually children and animals—playing their hearts out.
Originally from Guantajuato, Mexico, Moscoso is fascinated by Americana: old buildings and cars, craggy rocks and lakes, the northern lights. He uses those locations as the inspiration for short stories that unfold between image, title, frame and the viewer’s own experience.
I recently visited his gallery, Blind Insect (2841 Alberta St. Portland, OR), and his studio space in the back to learn how his magic happens.
Find his work here.
“I’m collecting puzzle pieces to put together an accurate perspective of the world that I’m in and the body that I’m in.”
Sienna Cenere makes detailed pictures out of data. She draws people, animals, plants, plate tectonics and more using hand-drawn numbers and equations in a version of pointillism. A year of research may go into one piece, along with 50 hours making tiny letters and numbers that, seen from a distance, cohere into evocative artworks.
In this interview she shows us around her impressive printmaking studio, where she goes down many a research rabbit hole, and she demonstrates the meticulous craft of numberism.